Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Three Random Pieces

Recipe: take Three Random Texts of Kindness. Add a drop of Connectivity. Shake it All About. See What emerges.

  1. Waiting for a train, I see a book. It has been left there by another. Like blogs, Geocaching and phoning the wrong number deliberately (generic link), this behaviour employs serendipity in a purposeful way. Planning to release the book soon, I see that the requirements for the release site are quite particular. Into a place with no footfall and the flow is lost. There's slim chance of survival in a place, like a London tube station whose cleaners are vigilant for much worse leavings, where the flow is a torrent or where sanitation policies forbid any strange additions. The middle-sized stream is best, where there are interesting people, amongst the muggles coming and going at all times, who are not too busy to stop and think. University toilets seem the obvious choice, but too obvious. A certain degree of don't-care-what-happens is needed.

  2. Hey! I found a widget that will randomise Powerpoint. Ideal for language learning! The class seem appreciative enough of my efforts. Hopefully they will add to the pile of words, for all to share and enjoy.

  3. It reminds me of sticker literature. For those waiting for Brit Stick Lit 0.1 (an apparently random selection of sticky micro-texts), be assured that the project is not forgotten. We hope to have something to share soon. The requirements for sites are simular to the book-freeing areas, and just the same insouciance is mandatory.

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